The web tool has been updated with a lot of new functionality. You can now add a for sale collection, rate your figures, upload your own images and share your collections!
You can now track the figures you have for sale. Find the new "For sale" menu item and start adding!
In the for sale collection you can add duplicates of each figure, and you can set a price.
You can now upload images of your own figures. This can be done both in your collection and in for sale
You can now rate the condition of your figures, and indicate if it has any broken parts. This is done by selecting a star rating for joints, o-ring and paint condition.
You can now choose to share your collection with others. This can be done on main collection and for sale (separately).
When you share your collection, you generate a public link that can be used without login. The public collections are read only, and viewers cannot edit anything in your collection.